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Rep. Clyde Demands Biden Rescind Undemocratic and Unconstitutional Abortion Executive Order

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Congressman Andrew Clyde (GA-09) led 56 of his House Republican colleagues in sending a letter to President Biden, urging him to rescind his recent Executive Order aimed at “protecting access” to abortion in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision. 

In the letter, Rep. Clyde describes President Biden’s Executive Order as “a direct affront to this nation’s democratic process and a blatant disrespect for the sanctity of the Supreme Court.” 

Full text of the letter is available HERE.

“Instead of upholding both our Republic’s democratic process and the integrity of our nation’s highest court, President Biden is intent on advancing the evils of abortion through executive action,” said Clyde. “Subverting the will of the American people and circumventing the Constitution in order to advance the murder of innocent unborn babies is truly unconscionable. President Biden must immediately rescind his latest attack on the sanctity of life, refrain from taking further action that undermines American voters, and respect the Supreme Court’s decision.”

“President Biden’s Executive Order is an affront to our constitutional system of government and a clear attempt to defy the Supreme Court and pro-life states in order to advance an aggressive abortion-on-demand policy,” said Rep. Mike Johnson (LA-04). “It should be rescinded immediately.”

“President Biden’s executive order on abortion proves he is the most anti-life president in U.S. history,” said Rep. Debbie Lesko (AZ-08). “I am appalled that President Biden is using an executive order to coerce taxpayers into promoting and funding the Far-Left’s abortion agenda. I am proud to join Congressman Andrew Clyde in demanding President Biden rescind his executive order that upends our nation’s democratic process, disrespects the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson, and is an affront to preborn babies’ inherent right to life.”

"President Biden's recent Executive Order regarding the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is appalling and out of touch with the majority of our country. It’s the perfect example of the Democrats’ stomach-churning mission to force their devotion to baby murder onto every American. Biden must rescind his unconstitutional Executive Order immediately," said Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14).


“President Biden’s executive action undermines the integrity of the Supreme Court’s decision, the sanctity of life, and attacking the most innocent and vulnerable Americans,” said Rep. Jody Hice (GA-10). “The executive action encourages the Leftist mob to continue their violent intimidation tactics against conservative justices and religious institutions.”


“President Biden’s efforts to circumvent the Supreme Court’s decision and force his radical anti-life agenda on all Americans is unacceptable,” said Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36). “After nearly a half-century, the Court has finally restored power to the states and voters where it belongs. If only the president would put as much effort into securing our nation as he does into ensuring the murder of our unborn.”


“President Joe Biden has demonstrated nothing but contempt for the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and his Executive Order to help facilitate abortion in pro-life states is contemptible to the sanctity of life and rule of law. Pro-life Members of Congress must be bold in our efforts to protect life from conception and oppose the Biden Administration’s radical pro-abortion agenda,” said Rep. Bob Good (VA-05)


“Our founding fathers created a system of checks and balances for a reason,” said Rep. Markwayne Mullin (OK-02). “Joe Biden cannot circumvent the democratic process to push his party’s radical, abortion-on-demand agenda just because he did not get his way. The Court has sent the decision to protect the unborn back to the states where it has always belonged and there is no executive order that can change this. I am glad to join my colleagues in calling on the president to rescind this order immediately.”


“The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case has empowered the American people to decide the issue of abortion through their elected officials in the states and in Congress, not through authoritarian Executive Orders,” said Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO-05). “President Biden is trying to circumvent the voice of the American people by issuing an Executive Order that significantly undermines the U.S. Constitution and the balance of power accompanying it. I was glad to join my colleague Congressman Clyde in demanding that President Biden withdraws this Executive Order and stick to governing within the boundaries our Constitution grants to the Executive Office.”


“The recent Executive Order from the Biden Administration defending the right to terminate the lives of unborn children up until the moment of birth is further proof of how extreme and beyond the mainstream Biden and Washington Democrats have moved on abortion. I am proud to fight alongside Rep. Clyde and so many of my other colleagues to protect innocent life and block this attempt by the Biden administration to strip away the Constitutional right of citizens in each state to enact their own abortion laws,” said Rep. Barry Moore (AL-02).


“There is nothing in the Constitution about abortion at all. And for hundreds of years, killing babies has been rightfully deemed murder and illegal. The Supreme Court of the United States made the right decision in overturning the obviously unconstitutional ruling of Roe v. Wade. Biden’s attempt to sidestep the court and the will of the people is an affront to the states that can make their own laws concerning abortion and the 63 million innocent babies slaughtered since 1973,” said Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-04).


“Only two weeks after the Supreme Court rightfully ruled that the abortion debate belonged in the legislature, President Biden tried to find a work around behind Congress’ back, completely disregarding the Court’s decision and attempted to make the unconstitutional Roe into law,” said Rep. Doug LaMalfa (CA-01). “This is unconstitutional and we demand that Biden rescind this Executive Order immediately.”


“There is no ‘right to abortion’ in the U.S. Constitution. The word ‘abortion’ is never even mentioned in the Constitution. The Biden Administration is seeking to circumvent rulings of the Supreme Court and state legislatures throughout the country. The Court has returned this issue to the states and voters where it rightly belongs,” said Rep. Alex X. Mooney (WV-02)


“President Biden’s executive order promoting abortion reflects his questionable priorities, and displays his lack of belief in our constitutional republic, which puts most policy decisions in the hands of our democratically elected representatives,” said Rep. Rick Crawford (AR-01). “The Supreme Court in Dobbs returned abortion policy to where it should have remained all along, with the American people through their elected representatives.”


“President Biden has caved to the left-wing extremists that support abortion up until the moment of birth and is now going against his oath of office by directly undermining the law of the land. Meanwhile, pregnancy centers and churches are under vicious attacks by the left. What has the President done to protect them? The President needs to stop putting partisan, left-wing politics before his oath to uphold our country’s laws—not undermine them,” said Rep. John Rose (TN-06).


“Joe Biden’s attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is an attempt to silence the voice of the American people in legislatures nationwide," said Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC-03). "The Biden Administration is intent on their anti-life agenda and will stop at nothing to allow women to kill children in the womb.”


Co-signers include: Representatives Kelly Armstrong (ND-At-Large), Brian Babin (TX-36), Jim Baird (IN-04), Troy Balderson (OH-12), Jim Banks (IN-03), Jack Bergman (MI-01), Stephanie Bice (OK-05), Andy Biggs (AZ-05), Dan Bishop (NC-09), Lauren Boebert (CO-03), Ken Buck (CO-04), Ted Budd (NC-13), Buddy Carter (GA-01), Madison Cawthorn (NC-11), Ben Cline (VA-06), Michael Cloud (TX-27), Rick Crawford (AR-01), Warren Davidson (OH-08), Jeff Duncan (SC-03), Jake Ellzey (TX-06), Randy Feenstra (IA-04), Michelle Fischbach (MN-07), Russ Fulcher (ID-01), Bob Gibbs (OH-07), Louie Gohmert (TX-01), Bob Good (VA-05), Paul Gosar (AZ-04), Garret Graves (LA-06), Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14), Glenn Grothman (WI-06), Vicky Hartzler (MO-04), Kevin Hern (OK-01), Jody Hice (GA-10), Ronny Jackson (TX-13), Mike Johnson (LA-04), Fred Keller (PA-12), Doug LaMalfa (CA-01), Doug Lamborn (CO-05), Debbie Lesko (AZ-08), Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), Tracey Mann (KS-01), David McKinley (WV-01), Mary Miller (IL-15), Alex Mooney (WV-02), Barry Moore (AL-02), Markwayne Mullin (OK-02), Greg Murphy (NC-03), Ralph Norman (SC-05), Steven Palazzo (MS-04), Bill Posey (FL-08), John Rose (TN-06), David Rouzer (NC-07), Adrian Smith (NE-03), Michael Waltz (Fl-06), Randy Weber (TX-14), and Roger Williams (TX-25).

Supporting organizations include: the American Principles Project, Georgia Life Alliance, March for Life, National Right to Life, and Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America.


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Washington, DC Office 445 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-9893
Fax: (202) 226-1224
Gainesville District Office 210 Washington St NW, Suite 202
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (470) 768-6520
Map of U.S. Representative Andrew Clyde's office locations